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The overarching goal of this study is to establish patterns in the ways poor people in Ghana are accessing and using energy and to identify how changes in the patterns affect the Ghanaian poor.
This study explains why and how the creation of institutionalized citizen engagement will enhance public accountability, performance, and customer responsiveness in the Indian urban water and sanitation sector.
One of the main challenges in introducing PPPs lies in the proper definition of governance structures for all actors.
The purpose of this brief note is to set out a checklist of issues which need to be considered when assessing the likely economic impact of regulatory reform.
This review is designed to assist the development community and policy makers in other countries who may be contemplating railway privatization.
This report looks into developing policies for Angola in the energy, water, transport and communcations sector in order to enhance the private participation in the rebuilding and development in the countries infrastructure.
This report indicates that although privatization, competitive restructuring, and regulatory reforms improve infrastructure performance, several issues must be considered and conditions met for these measures to achieve their public interest goals.
Modules 1-4 (out of nine modules) of the PPP Manual systematically guide public and private parties through the phases of PPP project preparation for national and provincial governments.
The Toolkit is intended to provide African countries, in summary form, with an overview of the experience to date with railway concessioning in Sub-Saharan Africa.
The authors evaluate successes and failures of a private sector reform in the water sector in the early years of reform, they analyse the impacts of the water reform on individual welfare and perform cost-benefit analysis for the reform.
South Africa is one of the most well-developed African countries and has implemented processes to facilitate the creation of businesses, fostering competition and investment.