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The GI Hub has now signed a consultancy contract for the development of a Concession Management Tool, following a competitive tender. The tool, expected to be delivered by the end of 2017, will provide practical guidance that can be used by government teams around the world and aims to identify leading practices related to public-private partnership (PPP) concession management, as well as addressing the common challenges which may arise throughout the construction and operations phases.
GI Hub Chief Executive Officer Chris Heathcote spoke on developing bankable infrastructure projects at the Global Infrastructure Initiative 2017 in Singapore this month.
Mobilising private investment to deliver public infrastructure projects was the focus of the Global Infrastructure Hub’s 2017 Conference held in Mexico City, Mexico on May 29 and 30, 2017.

The report identifies and illustrates three critical success factors that governments should be aware of and should seriously consider for their operations and mainteance strategies.

The board of directors plays a key role in setting and overseeing an organization s strategy, including the planning and execution of key capital projects.

The World Economic Forum publishes a Financial Development Index annually, which measures and analyses the factors enabling the development of financial systems among different economies.

The report and over 50 separate databases provide accurate and reliable forecasts to 2030 and analyse the market dynamics in 48 major construction markets representing almost 90% of world output.

The Global Infrastructure Investment Index ranks the world s 41 most dynamic countries with the greatest potential for growth and investment in their economic infrastructure.

This report provides details about all the infrastructure deals that has happened across the globe in 2015 including project finance and advisory league tables.

This document is a summary and analysis of a benchmark index and learning tool that assesses the capacity of countries in the Asia-Pacific region to deliver sustainable public-private partnerships.

Infrastructure 100, a global panel of independent industry experts identified 100 of the world s most inspirational and innovative infrastructure projects.

The Nabarro Infrastructure Index is a composite index, based on empirical and verifiable sources, which have been aggregated and weighted for application to listed countries to provide a unique tool to assist in the decision-making process.

This paper "Pooling of Institutional Investors Capital - Selected Case Studies in unlisted equity infrastructure" aims to provide clarity on some of the issues associated with the evolving field of infrastructure investment and more.

The GI Hub has launched a new online tool, InfraCompass. What is InfraCompass and how can it help governments? The GI Hub's Chief Executive Officer, Chris Heathcote, explains.