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The Global Infrastructure Hub recently launched its Project Pipeline, a dynamic online platform containing details on government infrastructure projects across the globe. The Pipeline was created by the GI Hub in response to market demand for an early stage global pipeline of projects.
This Railway Reform Toolkit aims to provide an easy-to-use resource on the rail industry and to provide an experience-based set of best practices to aid in the planning and execution of railway reforms.
GI Hub held the third of its 2017 Regional PPP Risk Allocation Workshops in Bogotá, Colombia, on 9 November 2017, with various public sector representatives from across Central and South America as well as multilateral organisations operating in the region.
This report provides an overview of the economic outlook for the cities covered in the latest Global Cities forecasting service.
This brief outlines whyaddressing inefficiencies must be a priority across the entire system of interconnected roads, railroads, ports, and airports, in any given area.
The Global Infrastructure Hub (GI Hub) has now signed a consultancy contract for the development of a reference tool to address inclusion in large infrastructure projects.
This brief explores how to ensure that today's mobility needs are not met at the expense of future generations
This Railway Reform Toolkit aims to provide an easy-to-use resource on the rail industry and to provide an experience-based set of best practices to aid in the planning and execution of railway reforms.
A new global survey of major international institutional investors has found strong investor demand for infrastructure, including record levels of interest in emerging market infrastructure with 37.5% of all investors now active in these growing markets.
This paper is intended to capture the main lessons learned from conducting Open Data Readiness Assessments and assisting countries with their implementation.
This Global Tracking Framework is featured in the GlobalMobility Report which provides the first-ever assessment of all modes of transport across theglobe.
This note provides examples of the synergies and trade-offs a policy-maker should consider and manage in order to achieve sustainable mobility
Infrastructure Financing Trends in Africa – 2017 is the Infrastructure Consortium for Africa’s (ICA’s) annual report on how financial resources are being mobilised to facilitate the development of the continent’s transport, water and sanitation, energy and ICT sectors.
Mark Moseley, the GI Hub Chief Operating Officer, discussing the topic of infrastructure organization and financing
At their recent Annual Meetings in Washington, World Bank and International Monetary Fund leaders discussed some key global issues; namely the global economic outlook and how to feed a growing global population.