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This paper is a collaboration between the World Bank’s Transport Global Practice, the World Bank’s Energy Sector Management Assistance Program (ESMAP) and the International Association of Public Transport (UITP) to assemble evidence, viewpoints, and analysis on eMobility programs.
Private partner profit motives are frequently cited as a failure of the public-private partnership (PPP) approach. But those profit motives are also part of the fundamental make up of the PPP approach and why it has the potential to deliver better outcomes for the public.
By their very nature as long-term large infrastructure projects, public-private partnership (PPP) projects involve a vast array of interconnecting relationships. Core to any PPP project is the long-term contractual relationship between the government’s procuring authority and the private party (the project company). This is one of many relationships that will affect the success of a PPP.
Disputes in public-private partnerships (PPPs) globally involving key performance indicators (KPIs) represent 20 per cent of all disputes, as highlighted in our data using a representative sample of projects from around the world.
This G20 Eminent Persons Group on Global Financial Governance report recommends reforms to the global financial architecture and governance of the system of International Financial Institutions (IFIs), aiming to promote economic stability and sustainable growth and consider how the G20 could better provide continued leadership and support for these goals.
The GI Hub welcomes the Canadian Government’s strong commitment to sustainable development, and growing the world’s economy through effective infrastructure planning and investment. We sincerely thank Prime Minister Trudeau for Canada’s generous contribution to the GI Hub, and look forward to working together to improve infrastructure procurement and delivery around the world.
The purpose of this blog series is to highlight some of the interesting aspects of the PPP Contract Management Tool to facilitate discussion around those issues. PPP approaches and practices are constantly evolving, and it is important to debate interesting topics to develop better practices and help governments deliver higher quality PPP projects.
The report “Making Blended Finance work for the SDGs” supports the OECD DAC blended principles for unlocking commercial finance for SDGs and further sharpens their focus on the deployment of development and commercial finance on the objectives of development.
While the infrastructure financing gap is huge, one of the main constraints to infrastructure development is not a lack of finance, but instead, a lack of well-prepared, bankable infrastructure projects.
This report draws from interviews from coding bootcamps to understand why less women attend coding bootcamps, and strategy on how policy makers can achieve a higher ratio of women in these bootcamps.
With a growing global focus on attracting private sector investment into infrastructure and utilising the public-private partnership (PPP) model, it is crucial that governments focus on the entire duration of a PPP contract. Efforts need to extend beyond ‘achieving financial close’ and beginning construction or ‘cutting the ribbon’ for commencement of services.
This brief outlines how better crash data can be used to improve road safety

This publication from the IADB his publication covers PPPs with a focus on the implications for public finances in developing economies.
Risks can be hard to define, manage and mitigate. In infrastructure projects that cross regional or national borders and involve multiple parties from both the public and private sector, these risks may be amplified.
Investors need certainty of the division of responsibilities between the various parties involved in the project, as well as a clear commitment of payment from the parties, before becoming involved in the project themselves. This requires countries to have reached a clear and durable commitment to their respective responsibilities.